Whale Tour by Bus Discontinued

[ux_banner bg=”https://iheartdr.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/whale-tour-discontinued.jpg” height=”600px” text_color=”light” text_align=”center” text_pos=”left center” text_width=”40%” text_bg=”” parallax_text=”0″ parallax=”0″ animate=”bounceInUp” effect=””]

We’re Sorry…


Tour Discontinued

While this tour was a cheaper alternative to the Whale Watching by Plane tour we felt the bus ride both ways took precious time from the itinerary making it too tight.

[button text=”See the Whale Watching by Plane Tour” link=”https://iheartdr.wpengine.com/attraction/whale-watching-samana-by-plane-punta-cana/” size=”medium” style=”alt-button white”]


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